Tanya Lee Raycroft

Birthday Sunflowers

Acrylic on 11×12 canvas panel. Painting not for sale but prints are available at $100.00 each starting at 16×20. A Birthday gift for my youngest child in June 2023.

The Walk

Black and White photography. Prints are available, price negotiable depending on size. Published in May 2023 Isuue of Art Close Up Magazine. I photographed Cumberland Island in Georgia. The only entrance is a 40 minute ferry ride from St Mary's Georgia. I fell in the love with the trees lining the trails to the beach.

Night Daisies

Acrylics on black canvas panel. A field of daisies in the night sky. Prints start $100.00 at 16×20.

Marble Clouds

A sun setting over an Ohio cornfield creating a marble effect on the clouds. The big skies of Ohio full of clouds are stellar. Photography prints available please notify for sizes.

Ohio Bonnets

A historic one room schoolhouse in rural Ohio surrounded by beautiful Bonnets with a USA Flag displayed proudly. Photography prints are available by notifiying me for various sizes.

Magadore Ohio

The beautiful lakes surrounding Springfield, Portage and Magadore Ohio are serene and breathtaking. Photography prints are available by notifying me for sizes.

7 eleven

Wooster Ohio's 7 eleven on a summer night. I was in awe of the colors against the sky. Photography prints available in various sizes, notify for prices.

Kenosha Lighthouse

Kenosha Wisconsin has several lighthouses on Lake Michigan. This particular lighthouse caught my eye because of the tourist grafitting the walls and door, giving no importance to this landmark. The life float symbolized to me how significant the light from the lighthouse is to those traveling on water. Photography available in different sizes, please notify me.

Flamingo Relics

Throughout northern Florida there are many landmarks and public art. I came across this forgotten piece of art that the scenery grew into and found it alive with lizards, dragon flies, palm trees, flowers, hanging moss. Acrylic painting 16×20, $500.00.

Rose Garden

Watercolor on 11×12 canvas panel. I was inspired by grandmother's gardens of roses surrounding her house. They were growing up trelises but some of them would stray and flourish on the sides of the wrap around porch. As I painted the roses, I felt how similiar to planning out life fails because it grows where it wants, anyway. For sale $300.00 or prints, too.
