The Ohio Artist Registry (OAR) is an exciting opportunity for artists to share their work, connect with the creative community, and establish an online presence—all on a free, virtual platform! The OAR encourages artists working in all art forms, throughout Ohio and beyond,  to create a profile, which allows them to better promote themselves and their work. Being listed in the OAR provides artists with new opportunities to share their work with clients, galleries, patrons, and audiences. A listing in the OAR does not confer an endorsement, approval, or verification by the Ohio Arts Council.
For more information, contact Kathy Signorino, artist programs director, at or 614-728-6140.

2025 Ohio Artist Registry Juried Exhibition

Sandy Shelenberger

Artist and Workshop Instructor Sandy Shelenberger Studio
Home 6859 Bushnell Rd County: Ashtabula
Conneaut Ohio 44030 United States
Home Phone: 4408132257 Website:



Sandy is an artist and instructor. She specializes in fiber arts, surface design and encaustics.

Sandy’s love of sewing and designing came together during a quilting class she took in 1984, where she began to see quilting as an art form and a means of self-expression. She hand-dyes her fabric and uses surface-design techniques such as Shibori, batik, dye-painting, discharge, experimental screenprinting to create her distinctive cloth and patterning. Sandy also works in encaustic medium and looks for ways to incorporate fiber techniques into the wax process.

Sandy’s art has been exhibited in regional and international invitational and juried shows across the country.  Select exhibits include: Quilt National (Athens, OH 2021, 2005) FACES of Fiber, Estes Park, CO (2022), Visions Art Museum (San Diego, CA, 2018), Woman Made Gallery (Chicago, IL), Ohio Craft Museum (Columbus, OH), Quilts=Art=Quilts at Schweinfurth Arts Center (Auburn, NY), and Fiberart International (Pittsburgh, PA 2013).  She received the Award for Excellence at the “Best of 2014” Exhibition at the Ohio Craft and a Juror’s Award at Quilt National 2005.

 After working as a Registered Nurse for 33 years, Sandy left nursing in 2014 to pursue her passion. She currently teaches fabric dyeing, Shibori and multiple surface design techniques. She has taught classes at Praxis Fiber Workshop (Cleveland, OH), Chautauqua Institute (Chautauqua, NY), the Dairy Barn Art Center (Athens, OH), the Great Lakes Fiber Festival (Wooster, OH) as well as her home studio in Conneaut, OH. She has hosted retreats that explore using encaustic and multimedia techniques. She enjoys sharing her love of the creative process.

Artist Statement

My art is an expression of my internal dialog. I love process, pattern, texture and repetition. I work intuitively until the design feels right to me. I strive to create a mood or energy in my work that sparks a connection. It is this interaction with the art and viewer that brings personal meaning to my life.


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