The Ohio Artist Registry (OAR) is an exciting opportunity for artists to share their work, connect with the creative community, and establish an online presence—all on a free, virtual platform! The OAR encourages artists working in all art forms, throughout Ohio and beyond,  to create a profile, which allows them to better promote themselves and their work. Being listed in the OAR provides artists with new opportunities to share their work with clients, galleries, patrons, and audiences. A listing in the OAR does not confer an endorsement, approval, or verification by the Ohio Arts Council.
For more information, contact Kathy Signorino, artist programs director, at or 614-728-6140.

2025 Ohio Artist Registry Juried Exhibition

John Schlabaugh

Treasurer Mahoning Valley Watercolor Society
Home County: Mahoning
Poland Ohio 44514 United States
Home Phone: 330-207-3838 Birthday: October 19, 1952


John R Schlabaugh

I was was born in Warren ,Ohio. Loved Art since I was a preschool child. Studied Art @ Youngstown State University, Earned a BFA with a teaching certificate.  I worked in Strouss Department Store , in the display Department for 3 years before becomming a union Painter with local 476. I painted for contractors for the first 23 years, then ran my own Painting Business for 17 years. In the middle of my career I carved Duck Decoys for about 10yrsand in my middle 50’s I became interested in watercolor and read and watched everything I could find. YouTube became my real college of art , and over to years since, I,ve worked in Watercolors, Encaustic, Collage, and this year of 2022 I began Painting in Oils. I’m rtetired now and My desire is to paint everyday, I thrive on creating.


Artist Statement

John Schlabaugh-

 My BFA in Art Education trained me to think in terms of color and composition, and I apply that thinking to my watercolors. In all of my paintings, landscape, portraits, figurative paintings, and paintings of animals, you’ll notice my vivid palette and my sense of design. I am an officer of the Mahoning Valley Watercolor Society, a Signature Member of the Ohio Watercolor Society, and my goal is to paint every day! My work has been chosen for juried shows including: Three Ohio Watercolor Society Annuals, including 2022, where I am a Signature member, Three Area Artists shows/Butler Institute, threeTag Annual/ Trumbull Art Gallery, two Hoyt Regional/ Hoyt Institute. I also had a solo show at the Nissen Gallery in Warren. One of my figurative paintings was a winning selection in Cheap Joe’s national contest; it was featured in the 2015 Catalogue.

  I became interested in Watercolor about 2010, I’ve read almost every book and watched the many videos in our Public Library system and bought many of my own. I’m also an observer of hundreds of videos on YouTube (an extraordinary education). I love and hate the fulfilling and aggravating medium of watercolor.

  I’ve been a member of the Mahoning Valley Watercolor Society for about four years. I didn’t know they existed before then, but I’m glad I know now; this group offers some terrific workshops and demos.

   Although watercolor is my favorite medium, I work in oil, encaustic, collage, and photography.

  I am currently a retired painting contractor with the desire to improve my abilities in all the mediums that I have avoided because of time restraints, and the commitment to concentrate on bringing  all the mediums I work in to a professional level.