The Ohio Artist Registry (OAR) is an exciting opportunity for artists to share their work, connect with the creative community, and establish an online presence—all on a free, virtual platform! The OAR encourages artists working in all art forms, throughout Ohio and beyond, to create a profile, which allows them to better promote themselves and their work. Being listed in the OAR provides artists with new opportunities to share their work with clients, galleries, patrons, and audiences. A listing in the OAR does not confer an endorsement, approval, or verification by the Ohio Arts Council.
For more information, contact Kathy Signorino, artist programs director, at or 614-728-6140.
2025 Ohio Artist Registry Juried Exhibition
Diane Pribojan
Hinckley Ohio 44233 United States Cell Phone: 12166502594 Birthday: August 10, 1965 Blog:
Diane was born in a small village called Zvjerinac in the former Yugoslavia. She moved to the United States with her family eight days before her forth birthday. She has lived in the Cleveland/Akron area ever since, and went on to attend the Cleveland Institute of Art. In her senior year at the institute, she received a fellowship at the Yale Summer Art Program in Norfolk, Connecticut. From there she went on to receive her MFA at Kent State University. Diane has exhibited nationally and has work in numerous private and public collections, including a wall of work at Acme Corporation Store #1. Diane is also a recipient of the Ohio Arts Council Grant, and her design was chosen for the Postmark America stamp for the US Postal Service in her hometown of Hinckley. In her work Diane finds inspiration in her immediate surroundings, in the cities and suburbs, and continues to pursue her passion for painting.
Artist Statement
In my painting I best communicate my interpretation of the world around me in representational subjects focusing on the house in the environment. My focus on houses came from a determination to have a starting point after being lost in a world of choices. Houses were something I gravitated towards and something that inspired me. Houses symbolize order, stability, and security, but at the same time, the facade of what can actually be happening inside contradicts this. This double representation has significance to me especially being immersed in a suburban environment. Also, houses attracted me because of their sculptural quality, especially when the sunlight defines shapes and shadows naturally, also geometric shapes against the organic environment.
Focusing on one subject has allowed me to explore and expand on one idea. This focus has caused a plethora of ideas to manifest. In order not to get overwhelmed I capture all of my ideas in a sketchbook. Also, with notes and sketches I am able to build concepts, refine images, and use these ideas for reference for future work and also, I can integrate them into recent ideas. Although I do a lot of planning and sketching before I paint, I do not completely control my way of working allowing for surprise and the unexpected to happen. Painting is my passion, and this exploration is my continual search for purpose for me and my painting.