The Ohio Artist Registry (OAR) is an exciting opportunity for artists to share their work, connect with the creative community, and establish an online presence—all on a free, virtual platform! The OAR encourages artists working in all art forms, throughout Ohio and beyond,  to create a profile, which allows them to better promote themselves and their work. Being listed in the OAR provides artists with new opportunities to share their work with clients, galleries, patrons, and audiences. A listing in the OAR does not confer an endorsement, approval, or verification by the Ohio Arts Council.
For more information, contact Kathy Signorino, artist programs director, at or 614-728-6140.

2025 Ohio Artist Registry Juried Exhibition

Angie Rucker

Home 885 Lakeland Drive Westerville County: Franklin
Westerville Ohio 43081 United States
Cell Phone: 614-371-1057 Website:


Angie Rucker is a conceptual photographer/digital artist living in Westerville, Ohio. She received her BA from Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts and has participated in juried and group exhibitions at institutions including The Cato Institute, The Southeast Center for Photography, The Photoplace Gallery, The Amblewood Gallery, ASmith Gallery, The Riffe Gallery, and The Academy of Fine Arts. Some of her recognitions include Juror’s Choice Award, OOVAR Juried Art Show at the Carnegie Gallery, Columbus, OH, Portfolio Competition Semi Finalist at the SoHo Photo Gallery in NYC, Director’s Award for the Juried Exhibit “Flight” at the Photoplace Gallery and 1st Place at Saville Gallery’s National Juried Photographic Exhibition.

Rucker’s series of narrative portraits often represent and fictionalize personal situations based on her own experiences or those around her. In her series, Hic Sunt Dracones, the domestic landscape serves as a backdrop, using cinematic drama and illustrative aesthetics along themes of intimacy, relationships and loss.

In her series Blue and Gray, Rucker attempts to reclaim and infuse substance to those that were not only relevant to others but to the character of our nation.

Artist Statement

As an introverted, conceptual photographer/digital artist that prefers solitude to socializing, I find it puzzling that the subject of all my work is humanity.  Both literal and figurative, I draw on it to tell stories, illustrate emotions, and evoke passion.

The approach and methods I use evolve with the atmosphere of my life, yet the themes of whimsicality, melancholy, foreboding, grief, strength, and allegory are constant.  My methods shift from carefully planned and constructed photographic scenes, to digital manipulation and combination of multiple images.

In the end, all my work is an attempt weave a tale or create a physical representation of human character.