Avalos Artwork

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24×12 acrylic on canvas, 2020: Painting common Mexican images such as Mariachis and a Rivera mosaic musician, I celebrate Mexican culture, a part of my heritage, and social diversity.


24×12 acrylic on canvas, 2020: Small town Ohio and remote locations all over the world are distanced economically and socailly, espcecially during this pandemic.

Outside Only

24×24 acrylic on canvas, 2020: Casual impromptu gatherings and dining have been limited; enjoying nature is an uplifting and temporary escape.

Cordial Connection

14×18 acrylic on canvas, 2020: Adjusting to long hours at home and depressing news, relief is sometimes a cheer on Zoom.

Redacted Confusion

22×28 acrylic on canvas, 2020: Redacted and shocking news often doesn’t make sense and it has divided our country.


30×30 acrylic on canvas, 2021: Let inspioration take you to a place of happiness and hope; feel the beautiful things in your mind.
