Stoneware with underglaze, low-fire glaze, gunmetal wash. 18″ x 17″ x 11″. Created 2020. $2800
Stoneware with gunmetal wash, low fire glazes, antique doll bed. 27″ x 30″ x 28″. Created 2020. $3500
In Part(s)
Stoneware with low-fire glazes, gold luster and gold leaf. 28″ x 14″ x 7″. Created 2021. $3800
Second Amendment Rites
Stoneware with underglaze, gunmetal wash. 26″ x 27″ x 11″. Created 2022. $3800
Public Face
Stoneware with low fire glaze, cast mid-range porcelain with underglaze and glaze, found mirror and chair. 6′ x 8.5′ x 6′. Created 2019. $9000.
Wholly Family
Earthenware with underglaze, low fire glazes, gold leaf. 19″ x 18″ x 11″. Created 2021. $3900.
Past Imperfect
Stoneware with underglaze, low fire glaze, vintage wooden chest. 24″ x 40″ x 41″. Created 2021. $6750.
Buy Partisan
Stoneware with underglaze, low fire glaze, gold luster. 16″ x 8″ x 9″. Created 2022. $1900.
Fount, Royal Academy of Spain in Rome
Italian earthenware, slip, glaze. 18″ x 10″ x 9″. Created 2019. $1800.
Three Shades Revisited (Dante’s New Gates)
Italian terra cotta with low fire glazes, white stoneware with glaze and ceramic decal, MDF board. 36″ x 36″ x 19″. Created 2019. $3900.